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The Science of Mitigating Bias


Course Overview

Bias is a human condition. In fact, if you have a brain, you have bias — but that doesn’t make you a bad person. Our brain wants to make sense of the world and the people around us. Formed as a way to help us filter through information, make quick judgements, and heighten chances of survival, bias is a crucial aspect of how we navigate through life. But, as we know, dynamics of power and privilege, inaccurate assumptions, and prior knowledge and experiences can activate our bias in a way that perpetuates stereotypes and harms others. The first step is becoming aware of what unconscious bias is and how it affects others. Then, you can learn to address those biases with actionable exercises. In this course, we’ll learn about our brain on bias. From reinforcing neural pathways to rewiring the brain, we’ll share some of the science behind bias and how to mitigate it. 

Learning Outcomes

This course will teach learners:

* Different types of bias and what they look like in real world situation

* The brain’s role in learning and unlearning bias

* Practical ways to mitigate bias in everyday settings

Course Content

Bias is part of what makes you human. But when applied to the wrong situation, it can be harmful. The best way to mitigate bias is by becoming aware of it and harnessing the power of neuroplasticity. In this course, we explore how bias affects the brain, along with ways to mitigate bias through rebuilding neural connections.

Each learning module is broken down into various video lessons with accompanying lesson texts, resources, and knowledge checks. You can move through the lessons in order, or jump back to review videos or other elements of the course.

Cristina Duke Cristina Duke is Director of Account Management at PowerToFly. She has a background in Psychology and Human Resources, and is a published author in the Journal of Social Psychological and Personality Science. As an HR practitioner, SaaS consultant, and sales person, she's passionate about fostering bias free human connection in the workplace and beyond.